Writer’s block or just feeling S.A.D.?

For the first time since I started this blog last autumn, the compulsion to post has eluded me this week.  Those who have been around since the beginning will know that I started this as a way of keeping idle fingers and a restless mind busy whilst I tried to quit smoking.  That seems a long time ago now and the blog soon acquired a purpose of its own. I seemed to have no shortage of verbiage to inflict on you all.  Since then, everything has just sailed along swimmingly until the last few days where I have suddenly found other things to do when normally I would be blogging.

Actually, there’s another aspect to this which may be having an effect and that is Seasonal Affective Disorder, which I reckon has been something that has afflicted me for some years now.  For me, February is quite definitely the winter equivalent of August’s ‘Dog Days’; it can be cold, yes, but I think it’s more the lack of daylight and the fact that the natural world seems devoid of life.  This is the feeling that sends thousands of Scandinavians scuttling off ’til syden’ (to the South – and, by implication, to daylight, warmth and life).  This is also the feeling that winter has just been going on for far too long and  – enough already!  Could we please have some warmth, some sense of renewal…in other words; Spring!

I can’t claim any particular insights into all of this – I’m just grumpy and fed up with the cold weather.  Life seems dull,frozen and uninspiring; something that perhaps explains the lack of jolly posts here on the late winter blogscape.  It should pass – it always has before.  Abnormal service will be resumed ASAP……..

Yes, very beautiful, but enough, already……

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